Thursday, March 26, 2020

Learn Modern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF Online

Learn Modern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF OnlineModern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF is the most popular textbook for a college curriculum, in the United States. That's not a surprise, because its high quality, and its readable format. Online, you can purchase this eBook yourself and study from your own home. Or you can buy an eBook reader (or an e-reader) so that you can download it onto your device and use it while out and about.This PDF is easy to read and understand, and much easier to follow than most of the other online textbooks on the market. For example, you don't have to copy and paste from the back cover and then use the correct chapter numbering and formatting. Modern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF just flows right along with you as you read.Most textbooks offer chapters for a textbook in various subjects, but this one offers just the text. If you buy the entire book, you will have to learn all of the material before you begin to study, and this is another advantage to Modern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF. You can learn the material in a way that you can go back and read it whenever you need to.There are many benefits to buying the Modern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF online. First, you get the same great materials that are offered by other electronic books. However, Modern Physical Organic Chemistry PDF has been specifically designed for study on the internet. It's very easy to use and you will find that reading it online makes it much easier for you to do your own learning.You will also find that there are some easy ways to convert this PDF to other formats that you can use to save on storage space. You will find that there are many options available to you for getting this file to PDF, PDFX, and other formats. These options include converting it from Word and WordPerfect to Microsoft Word format, or converting it from PDF to HTML format. If you want to convert the PDF to PDFX, you can do so easily with free software available online. You may also be able to download Microsoft's PowerPoint user guide to help you convert the PDF to a presentation in Word format. The advantage to using the downloadable PDF to PowerPoint is that you get a video or PDF tutorial to follow through with your lecture.However, if you would rather have the knowledge in words, you can get this PDF to Word format and convert it to a formatted document for further study. You will have to pay attention to what you are doing, because a PDF file has different formats than most word formats. If you make sure you're using the right software, however, you can master the material very quickly.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Unique Uses of Social Media to Gain Colleges Attention

Unique Uses of Social Media to Gain Colleges' Attention Social mediaa burgeoning percentage of our society utilizes it, and we all intimately know how fun it is to connect and share on these networks. However, social media is also rapidly becoming a major source to connect professionally. Students who can transform the raw power of social media into commercial success will ultimately lead in their respective fields and these are precisely the students that colleges and universities are seeking. Incorporating social media into your application can serve to do more than merely garner attention; it can prove you will be successful. Here are several strategies to aid in making that statement. Create a multimedia blog This tactic is an increasingly popular one. It provides you with a wonderful method to expose institutions to an additional side of you as an applicant. However, you must determine a central professional theme for your blog. Do not discuss what you fixed for dinner or analyze your favorite sports teams. Instead, connect your blog to your major. If you plan to pursue a Business degree, discuss the latest business trends and marketing campaigns. If you are a STEM student, post such projects. Here are 4 benefits of STEM studiesthat you may find interesting as well.Build a trebuchet (you can locate easy-to-assemble kits online) and upload videos of it in action. Post the blueprints, your procedure for constructing it, etc. If you have not yet decided on a major, blog about your experiences preparing for college and sitting for the ACT or SAT, as well as advice on applying. Make it your own, and make it creative. Connect with professors and admissions counselors Follow your desired institutions to learn of on-campus events, news, and student experiences all of which can serve as fantastic material for your essay. Likewise, connecting with professors or admissions counselors can increase your name recognition. However, you must make sure to identify a legitimate reason to interact with them. Speak with individuals on LinkedIn, but only if you can add value to the discussion. Research what articles they post as well as the groups in which theyre active and give thoughtful responses. These are 3 things you must do after an admissions interviewthat you may find helpful. Consider video applications Video applications arent as original as they once were, but you can still gain creativity points with this strategy when applicable. Your video application does not replace your standard application. Instead, it is another way to get an admissions counselors attention. In your video, share your personality and discuss your hobbies, extracurricular activities, and world experiences but most importantly, be original and tailor your video to the institution and your intended major. Here is a great last minute checklist before submitting your college applicationthat you may want to take a look at. Do something big, and do something creative Admissions counselors view hundreds of thousands of applications, which means originality is key. If you can display creativity, you will impress them. For example, you could temporarily alter your entire Facebook page to resemble an application, with each post and photograph highlighting different, relevant features (projects, activities, sports teams, etc.). You could even go a step further and tailor it to the institution, rewriting your page to solely concern Harvard University admissions. If you do not wish to change your Facebook page, perhaps you could create a Vine account with each short video detailing an activity of yours (playing an instrument, debating a case if you are on the debate team, dribbling a basketball, etc.). Again, you can rewrite your account to focus on the school to which youre applying. Clean up your accounts It is safe to assume colleges and universities will investigate your existing social media accounts. Simply put, do not post anything you do not want college admissions counselors to view, and go back and delete any potentially incriminating posts. Google search your name to ensure the results are clean, as certain posts can remain in the search index for some time after you delete them.

Indirect Questions and A Difficult Job Interview in English

Indirect Questions and A Difficult Job Interview in English Indirect Questions in EnglishIndirect questions are sometimes hard to understand and form in English, but they are used quite often. Were going to use a funny animated video about a very difficult job interview to help you learn about indirect questions.We use them to ask questions to people we don’t know well, in professional situations or to be polite.Direct Questions in English  As you probably know, to form simple questions in English we use: who, what, when, why, or how + ‘Aux (to be/do) + verb: For example:How are you? What do you do? Where are you from? These are simple and they are very clear and easier to answer. Indirect questions are a little more difficult. They often start with: Do you know…, Could you…., I was wondering ifWould you mind…Where is my hat? (Direct Question)Do you know where my hat is? (Indirect Question)Watch the video below (warning, there is some animated nudity in the video), then try the exercises:Interview from The Animation Workshop on Vime o.English Exercises for direct and indirect questions:Answer the questions below, then change each of the direct questions into more polite questions. If you answer in comments, well correct your answers.1. What ____ your strengths?2. Are you ______?3. Any _____? Any _____? ____ you comfortable with ____?4. Why ___ you leaving?5. Sit ____?What is your worst job interview experience?Finally, click here to try our quiz on indirect questions.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

BBC Radio Shropshire Interview Edd Stockwell

BBC Radio Shropshire Interview Edd Stockwell BBC Radio Shropshire interview Edd Stockwell about private tuition, why parents buy tutoring, how Tutorfair gives free tutoring and Tutorfair's tutor training programmes. If you missed it, then we've transcribed it for you, or if you'd prefer to listen, hit play on the recording below! BBC Reporter Do you remember when you’re little and there might be one subject in particular that you struggled with, and that could mean extra tuition, private tuition. So have your children had any and how effective was it? Apparently people in London are twice as likely to pay for private tuition than the rest of us, but even so the numbers are going up. Edd Stockwell is one of the founders of Tutorfair, it’s a website that helps people find tutors in their area. Good morning, Edd! Edd Stockwell Good morning! BBC Reporter Why do you think there’s such an increase in people booking tutors? Edd Stockwell I think tutoring is the single most effective form of education you can get (one on one tutoring) and I think it’s probably the oldest form of education. I think Aristoteles was probably right several thousand years ago! So everyone has always had private tuition, and I think it has also gone up quite a bit recently in the last ten years. Due to competition for top schools and jobs, it keeps continuing to increase! BBC Reporter Is that what you’re putting it down to? Is not the state of our education system then? Edd Stockwell No, I don’t think so at all! I think our education system is fantastic! Yet every child is different, and everyone misses something at school. So, if parents and teachers can find ways to help kids to fill in the gaps if they've missed anything. All good teachers give tutoring, just after class or a little  one on one time with kids to help them out - I think it’s fantastic thing. BBC Reporter Imagine then that the increase in London is down to the increase in competition and places, would you put it down to that? Edd Stockwell Yes I think it's partly that. I think it's becoming more socially acceptable, tutoring does have a bit of stigma to it. It’s the middle  class buying the advantage, which I think is exactly what the middle class are trying to do. On one level, they're right to do it! It’s a really effective way to help the students to succeed. I think the difficulties start when you've got to that stigma and it becomes unfair, and those who can’t afford to pay can’t have access to such an incredibly powerful form of education, and we really need to look quite carefully at what we could do to help bridge that gap and make a difference. BBC Reporter But don’t you offer tuition to children who can't afford it as well? Edd  Stockwell We do, so we’ve got a one for one promise, so  for every student who pays we give tutoring to  someone who can’t afford it.  So we partner with inner-city schools where they have a high proportion of students on free school meals and then class teachers choose  which students could benefit most. Our tutors then go into  those schools to work with those kids. BBC Reporter I was going to say that it’d be hard to choose wouldn't it? Which ones really do need it? Edd Stockwell Yes, really tough! But I think class teachers really do know their class and their kids... BBC Reporter Yes, Definitely. Edd Stockwell ... so they’re the right people to make that decision I think. BBC Reporter How expensive is it then if you want to pay for private tuition? Edd Stockwell Average costs for a private tutor is about £23 an hour outside of London, rising up to £29 per hour inside London, as an average. But a lot of people want a really experienced tutor which are hard to find, they might be about £40, 50, 60, 70, 80 an hour. I think the most expensive tutor we’ve got on Tutorfair is £200.00 an hour, but he’s an extraordinary man but that's also an extraordinary price. BBC Reporter £200.00 an hour?! Teaching what? Edd  Stockwell Maths and science, but when you speak to clients he's worked with, the quotes that I got from one of them was; ‘Mark can organise a child’s mind for success’ and he’s just one of those magical characters that connects with children and inspires them to want to learn and succeed. I mean, I do not recommend hiring him because he’s ridiculously expensive, but he’s the best of the best! BBC Reporter Wow, it sounds like we could do with cloning him then? Edd Stockwell Yes, that’s brilliant! Solve one problem at a time, but then let’s clone Mark! (Laughs) BBC Reporter (Laughs) What you need to do is to pay him £200 an hour to teach 10 teachers how to do it! Edd Stockwell That is exactly what he’s doing this Saturday! We’ve got one hundred tutors in a room and he’s leading our tutor training and teaching them all the tips that he’s accumulated over his 17 years of private tutoring. We do a lot of tutor training, and it’s really amazing! BBC Reporter And I’m guessing you’ve seen a lot of situations where the children have really benefited from this? Edd Stockwell It’s extraordinary the difference you can make just unlocking, or unblocking really the little thing they don't understand. You can so quickly (if you struggle in one subject) think to yourself ‘Oh, I don't understand maths, I’ll never understand maths!’ BBC Reporter Yes! That was me! (Laughs) Edd Stockwell Yes! (Laughs) ‘I’m not going to try maths!’ and it's not true it's just the panic zone of your learning. As soon as someone explains it to you and makes that little bit make sense, inspires you to want to try and to believe that maths is for you, it’s extraordinary! BBC Reporter Edd, it  has  been lovely to talk to you, thank you so much for coming in this morning. Edd Stockwell Thank you so much! BBC Reporter And good luck with Mark and the tutors this weekend! Edd Stockwell Oh thanks very much! BBC Reporter Brilliant thank you! That’s Edd Stockwell who’s one of the founders of Tutorfair, which is a website that helps people, so if you’re looking to find a tutor in your area.

7 reasons to teach in Mexico

7 reasons to teach in Mexico Teach Away recently made a visit to Mexico City for the annual ASOMEX conference, where we met with international school directors from across Mexico. It was the ideal chance to discuss the challenges and opportunities faced by international education institutions in the country and was a great reminder of why Mexico is such a fantastic teach abroad location.What makes Mexico such a great place to teach overseas?1. Enthusiasm to learnThe Mexican culture has a strong hard-work ethic. Students are eager take their studies seriously in order to achieve. As a fast-developing nation, children tend to be especially ambitious and value their time in the classroom.2. Be a part of a fast-developing countryIt’s an exciting time for education in Mexico. Internationally-focused institutions are keen to take on experienced teachers from successful education systems so they can share their knowledge, methods and expertise with the country's future leaders and professionals.3. Warm climateThe cli mate does vary from region to region - the north and west coast is generally hot and dry, the south is hot and humid, while mountainous areas are cooler and more temperate. Wherever you’re based, it’s likely you’ll be able to wear your summer wardrobe year-round.4. The food cultureHearty and delicious, Mexican food has become a global phenomenon for good reason. Keep your mind open - each region has it’s own distinctive culinary style. Dinner is eaten late and is often a social affair for extended friends and family. It’s actually a common misconception that all Mexican food is spicy.The spiciness is normally determined by which hot sauce you smother your plate in - you’ll find a variety of green, red and yellow hot sauces to choose from in every home and restaurant.5. Fun factorMexico loves to party! There are frequent national holidays and local festivals. Events are typically celebrated in the streets with loud music, parades, games, fireworks and food. There is also a big emphasis on entertaining and eating out with extended friends and family.6. Learn Spanish or improve your skills.Although many in larger cities can speak good English, Spanish is definitely the country’s first language. This provides a fantastic environment in which to pick up some Mexican phrases and practice your speaking skills.7. Spectacular sceneryWith looming mountainscapes, rainforest-hidden temples, beach bliss and island paradise, there are endless sights to tick off. All this natural beauty provides the perfect place for a huge variety of outdoors activities such as hiking, caving, sailing, diving and surfing.Tempted? Take a look at our current teaching jobs in Mexico here.Find out more about teaching in Mexico.

World Cup Language Challengers Make a Public Video Pledge and earn an extra 50ITC

World Cup Language Challengers Make a Public Video Pledge and earn an extra 50ITC In our  last language challenge, we found that: 85% of the Challengers who actually put up a Public Video Pledge actually completed the Challenge (compared to only 48% of those who did not).  (See the previous Challenge Review) So were offering this bonus again to help you complete the Challenge! (and also because were cool like that!) If youve signed up for the 2014 italki World Cup Language Challenge, were giving away even more  ITC to motivate you to succeed!  Do you really want to complete the challenge?  Use peer pressure (in a good way) to help yourself achieve your language learning goal! Life Hacks research has shown that if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through because others are watching. Things that you put on the Web have a better chance of getting done! BONUS 50ITC! Upload your Language Challenge Public Video Pledge Make a Public Video Pledge by uploading a video to YouTube or Youku before you begin your first session (or your first few sessions). What should you say in your Public Video Pledge? Speak in your native language Tell us why you are taking The Challenge and what language you are learning Tell us what you will commit to (i.e. I promise to take at least 2 to 3 sessions a week) Tell us what you hope to accomplish with the challenge Tell us what  team you want to win the World Cup! Speak in the language you are learning Repeat the above in the language you are learning If you can’t say anything, or your language level is at a beginner level then try to say a few words you know in the language or just say you have no ability. Label the video: “(italki username)’s 2014 italki World Cup  Language Challenge Public Pledge” The video should not be longer than 2 minutes in length. Write a Notebook Entry “I’ve made a Public Video Pledge for the 2014 World Cup  Language Challenge” and paste the YouTube/Youku URL. We will immediately award you with 50ITC once you post your notebook entry and we verify the video! Just send us an email to and let us know your username so we can view the Notebook entry with the Public Video Pledge link! Lindsaydoeslanguages is doing it! So should you! Lindsaydoeslanguages was one of our Challenge winners from our last language Challenge in which she learned German!  In honor of the World Cup, shes going to be learning Portuguese for  the  2014 italki World Cup Language Challenge.  Below is her Public Video Pledge.  Shell also be blogging about it and giving us weekly updates as she seeks to improve her Portuguese both on her language learning blog site  and here on the italki blog site! If youve signed up for The Challenge and you really want to finish, you should make the Public Video Pledge now!  Youll get paid for it and it will help you complete the Challenge! One quick last comment England winning the 2014 World Cup?  italki World Cup Challengers your thoughts?  Agree or Disagree? World Cup Language Challengers Make a Public Video Pledge and earn an extra 50ITC In our  last language challenge, we found that: 85% of the Challengers who actually put up a Public Video Pledge actually completed the Challenge (compared to only 48% of those who did not).  (See the previous Challenge Review) So were offering this bonus again to help you complete the Challenge! (and also because were cool like that!) If youve signed up for the 2014 italki World Cup Language Challenge, were giving away even more  ITC to motivate you to succeed!  Do you really want to complete the challenge?  Use peer pressure (in a good way) to help yourself achieve your language learning goal! Life Hacks research has shown that if you put yourself up to something by doing it in public, you follow through because others are watching. Things that you put on the Web have a better chance of getting done! BONUS 50ITC! Upload your Language Challenge Public Video Pledge Make a Public Video Pledge by uploading a video to YouTube or Youku before you begin your first session (or your first few sessions). What should you say in your Public Video Pledge? Speak in your native language Tell us why you are taking The Challenge and what language you are learning Tell us what you will commit to (i.e. I promise to take at least 2 to 3 sessions a week) Tell us what you hope to accomplish with the challenge Tell us what  team you want to win the World Cup! Speak in the language you are learning Repeat the above in the language you are learning If you can’t say anything, or your language level is at a beginner level then try to say a few words you know in the language or just say you have no ability. Label the video: “(italki username)’s 2014 italki World Cup  Language Challenge Public Pledge” The video should not be longer than 2 minutes in length. Write a Notebook Entry “I’ve made a Public Video Pledge for the 2014 World Cup  Language Challenge” and paste the YouTube/Youku URL. We will immediately award you with 50ITC once you post your notebook entry and we verify the video! Just send us an email to and let us know your username so we can view the Notebook entry with the Public Video Pledge link! Lindsaydoeslanguages is doing it! So should you! Lindsaydoeslanguages was one of our Challenge winners from our last language Challenge in which she learned German!  In honor of the World Cup, shes going to be learning Portuguese for  the  2014 italki World Cup Language Challenge.  Below is her Public Video Pledge.  Shell also be blogging about it and giving us weekly updates as she seeks to improve her Portuguese both on her language learning blog site  and here on the italki blog site! If youve signed up for The Challenge and you really want to finish, you should make the Public Video Pledge now!  Youll get paid for it and it will help you complete the Challenge! One quick last comment England winning the 2014 World Cup?  italki World Cup Challengers your thoughts?  Agree or Disagree?

The Wage Gap Icelands on Board, but Where Are We

The Wage Gap Iceland's on Board, but Where Are We Photo Via: According to a recent New York Times article, the wage gap has been a serious problem not only in the U.S.  but globally. That is, until now. At least, for Iceland. The country has been battling income equality for quite some time  and has recently implemented a 5-year plan to close that ever-prominent wage gap. According to Frida Ros Waldimarsdottir, chairwoman of the Icelandic Women’s Rights Association, “For decades, we’ve said we’re going to fix [the wage gap]. But women are still getting lower pay, and that’s insane.” The Icelandic government agrees. Tuesday of this week, Iceland was the first country to introduce and pass a bill that will require employers to prove men and women are being paid equally. This is a pretty radical bill, but for good reason. Bills had been pushed in the past in an effort to reduce the wage gap, but essentially, there wasn’t any change. So, the goal is to apply far more forceful tactics to achieve this daunting task. According to Thornsteinn Viglundsson, social affairs and equality minister in Iceland, “We want to break down the last of the gender barriers in the workplace. History has shown that if you want progress, you need to enforce it.” This makes Iceland a frontrunner in terms of gender equality. In the past, they have implemented gender quotas on boards and parental leave for both parents of newborns. Essentially, Iceland is one of the fairest countries out there at the moment. Still, they continue to battle the wage gap (which is reflective of how big this problem really is). According to the Icelandic government, women are earning 14 to 20 percent less than men at this point for the same job. So, the goal is to close this gap within a five-year time span, which will hopefully influence other countries to do the same. According to the International Labor Organization, the wage gap is a global issue, and if it continues to accelerate at this pace, it won’t be closed for 70 years. This bill has an “equal pay pilot program” where women are now being sought out for higher level jobs than originally hired for due to discrimination. This will definitely be a big factor in closing that gap. Of course, not everyone is in total agreement. According to Halldor Thorbergsson, director general of the Confederation of Icelandic Employers, “Companies should [impose equal pay standards] for their own benefit and the benefit of their employees. But it should not be legalized.” And Iceland isn’t the only country with individuals and businesses against government intervention. This list also includes Britain, Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and, of course, the United States. But something has to be done and women in Iceland are pushing for change not just in their country, but globally as well. In the 70s, 90 percent of working women left their jobs and their homes to show what would happen to society without women in the workforce. This then led to the world’s (yes, the world’s) first elected female president (by a democracy), Vigdis Finnbogadottir. She was elected in 1980. In the U.S., this is still not a reality. Over half of Iceland’s Parliament is now filled with female members. Women also make up 80 percent of board members in Icelandic companies. And yet, there is still inequality. Women aren’t making as much money, and they aren’t in those top-level management positions held almost exclusively by men. So what are the rules being implemented in Iceland? Iceland is going to require larger companies to undergo audits (beginning next year) to show compliance with equal pay. All businesses with over 25 employees must begin the same audits by 2022. This will be broken down by every job (low to top level positions) identifying and fixing the wage gaps for each individual occupation. Yes, this is a long, arduous process that’s going to take quite a bit of time and money. But it’s a necessary evil to correct an issue that’s been plaguing the world for far too long. According to Arni Kristinsson, managing director of BSI Iceland, “The question is, are companies committed? At firms that are, we are already seeing the pay gap narrow.” This narrowing has decreased to nearly 3 percent for some companies. According to Snorri Olsen, Iceland’s Customs director, “There’s a tendency to look at work usually done by men as more valuable. This is technically a discussion of equal pay, but it’s really a question about equality in our society.” And that’s shown in the way women act in the workforce as well. Typically, women negotiate lower salaries than their male counterparts, and men are four times more likely to ask for a raise. And even when women are comfortable in asking for a raise, they ask for 30 percent less (on average) than their male counterparts. According to board member/owner, Anna Kristin Kristjansdottir, “You’d be sitting there doing the interview, and they’d ask for less. The audit showed this was a flaw in our recruitment, that we were allowing this to happen and didn’t quite realize it.” And really, that’s what it comes down to. As a society, we are so used to valuing women’s work as less than men’s (even in seemingly equal positions) that we don’t even realize when it’s right in front of us. This is what makes closing the wage gap so difficult it’s very hard to detect without such drastic interventions as time and cost consuming audits. Again, this is about far more than a wage gap it’s about equality as a whole. And as a society, our perception of equality is completely off. Just because you feel equal doesn’t mean that’s the case. According to Viglundsson, “When it comes to the workplace, men have enjoyed a certain level of privilege for a long time. But if you look at the vested interests for society of eliminating discrimination against women, that far outweighs any regulatory burden.” Basically, we can all learn from the Icelandic government. It’s going to be a long battle, and it’s going to be costly, but in the end, it’s going to be completely worth it. An equal country in terms of gender can you imagine? One small step for Iceland, a giant leap for equality worldwide.